A Champion for Public Safety.

A Leader That
Produces Results

Scott Bader brings exceptional experience in helping people, solving problems, and moving Everett forward. He is a leader who can be trusted to build partnerships and deliver results – for all of us.

“My passion for this city, belief in its potential, and desire to create a brighter future for our children have guided my community involvement for decades.”

Scott’s Priorities

  • Our community has real challenges, but even greater opportunities. I bring decades of experience in helping people, solving problems, and moving Everett forward. As your city council member, I will remain open and accessible to a diversity of stakeholders while delivering results – for all of us.

  • The public safety challenges facing Everett are numerous and complex. Homelessness, addiction, and mental illness have touched every part of our community. I will be a champion for a balanced approach to public safety, combining compassionate law enforcement with effective social service programs.

  • A strong and growing economy is vital for creating family wage jobs, attracting new investment, and sustaining essential programs that improve our quality of life. Our city government must operate reliably and predictably with a strong customer-service philosophy at the heart of its culture.

  • Improving the quality of life for our community depends on making sound financial decisions. We won’t be able to make meaningful investments in green spaces, expanded transit routes, or critical services like police and fire if we lack the resources to do it.

Help Support Scott’s Campaign.